DIG CAMP project dissemination

The DIG CAMP model is effective for any university geosciences laboratories seeking to fulfill their outreach and public education missions. [See How to Guide]

Aspects of the DIG CAMP project have been taken up by:

  • DIG IT, Data in Geosciences In Teaching, a new collaborative research project (NSF Award # 2325493) with a school district and local Community Science Partners, seeking to integrate DIG CAMP Geosciences data skills, research, and field experiences into high school curricula, creating access for students districtwide. 
  • Ongoing development and iteration of the Lawrence Teen Research Programs, and will continue to support Bay Area youth through their inclusion in The Lawrence’s full teen portfolio. 

Student presents poster in crowded poster hall while others look on.

DIG CAMP has shared the following.


  1. Pedemonte, S., Paytan, A., & Weiss, E. (2023). Using Authentic Local Climate Data in Teaching – Co-creating Student Climate Learning Experiences (invited). Abstract ID 1269165. AGU Fall Conference, December 2023.
  2. Pedemonte, S., Paytan, A., & Weiss, E. (2024). ED13G-08: Local and Personally Relevant Science Learning: A Collaborative Approach to Engage High School Students in Geosciences at Scale. Abstract ID 1532163. AGU Fall Conference, December 2024.


  1. Paytan, A., Weiss, E., & Pedemonte, S. (2021). Engaging Students in the Geosciences using Effective and Versatile Climate and Data Literacy Teaching Modules. ESS Open Archive, October 08, 2021.
  2. Haneda, A., Farfan, L., Lopez, J., Najera, A., & Najera, X. (2023). Ocean Acidification and its Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies through the use of an Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture. Abstract ED41C-0966. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023, Education / Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists Poster, Poster No. 0966.
  3. Galindo-Eguiarte, V., Garcia, C., Garcia, J., & Melgoza, S. (2023). Droughts in California: Impacts, Mitigation Strategies, and Resilience. Abstract ED41C-0900. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023, Education / Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists Poster, Poster No. 0900.
  4. Morrison, J., Llamas, C., Lopez-Garcia, G., & Lopez Garcia, R. (2023). Effects and Distribution of Pesticides Commonly Used On Strawberries in Watsonville and Pajaro Valley. Abstract ED41C-1025. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023, Education / Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists Poster, Poster No. 1025.
  5. Pacuraru, I., Duke, N., Ramirez, D., & Low, M. (2023). Microplastics Sources and Composition in Monterey Bay, California. Abstract ED41C-0939. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023, Education / Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists Poster, Poster No. 0939.
  6. Shapiro, M., Becerra-Cornejo, B., & Lobo Noris, J. (2023). Watsonville Flooding, Community Income, and Permeability of Soil. Abstract ED41C-0999. AGU Fall Meeting 2023, San Francisco, CA, December 11-15, 2023, Education / Bright STaRS: Bright Students Training as Research Scientists Poster, Poster No. 0999.